Stranger Things VR
Character Design // Character Art // Tech Art // Animations
Within the limitation of VR headsets, we decided to go for a painterly style to match the Stranger Things series' aesthetic.
Studio: Tender Claws
Platform: VR Devices


Art Direction // Character Design // Character Art // Tech Art // Animations
Inspired by the Soviet space-race era graphic style, Ludmilla is a cosmonaut lost in a limbo between space and memories.
Studio: Space Backyard
Link: Ludmilla presskit

Alba: a Wildlife Adventure
Character Art // Tech Art // Animations
In "Alba," our goal was to depict a vibrant and authentic Mediterranean environment, teeming with a diverse array of animal species and NPCs.
The art director, David Fernandez Huerta, ultimately opted for a blocky and simple-shaped art style. This choice facilitated rapid modeling and rigging on my part. I enjoyed the creative process of manipulating shapes, providing each character with a distinct appearance while maintaining overall consistency among them.
I also delved into experimenting with a geometry-swap system for facial expressions and smear effects.
Studio: Ustwo Games
Platform: PlayStation - XBox - Apple Arcade - Nintendo Switch

Bird of Passage

Art Direction // Character Design // Character Art // Tech Art // Animations
The protagonist of "Bird of Passage" is a Yōkai: a spirit in Japanese folklore.
Despite its minimal design, the character has many references to Japanese tradition: its eye recalls the shape of a Hachimaki, and its dress took inspiration from the white burial kimono used in Edo period funeral rituals.
Studio: Space Backyard
Platform: Win/Mac
Like Roots In The Soil

Art Direction // Character Design // Character Art // Tech Art // Animations
"Like Roots In The Soil" is a short story about two guys walking towards a common destiny.
A narrative game experience sets across two different times that you can unveal rotating the game scene.
Studio: Space Backyard
Platform: Win/Mac